Friday, May 27, 2011

Space. Space. Space. Space.

Camp starts Tuesday. Boom.
My mind is blown. Swearsies. I'm anxious about camp. Both anxious-nervous and anxious-excited. I used to think I was a really good counselor. Then I think my britches grew. Or something. (The idea is I'm not too big for them anymore.) I just am anxious about whether I'm worthy to be leading these kids. I just keep reminding myself that God's power is made perfect in weakness.
Also, good news, my bench is loaded. Alicia and Hannah are the other two counselors on my team, and they are going to be star players. I'm trying to ready myself for God to do big things in/through us. Want to be praying for our kids? And us? That'd be nice.
Our room is decorated like space, so that's obviously good news. Also, Abraham Lincoln is involved. We're planning on telling the kids he was the first President in space. Gotta give the people what they want.
Did you know they're shutting down NASA? Worst news I ever heard. Apparently we're closing up shop. What would John F. say? Or Buzz? Or Neil? Or Tom Hanks?
Anyway, that's about all I have to say.

"Prophet, Brother, Priest, and King!"
Those are things that Jesus is. Sufjan sings about it in "Get Real, Get Right." If you don't like The Age of Adz, you are wrong. It might be my favorite Sufjan album.


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